
A hétgyermekes anya elképesztően jól néz ki – Fia nővérének nézték a 45 éves nőt

Jessica, a hétgyermekes anya közel húsz évet is letagadhat korából.





Jessica Enslow mindössze 19 éves volt, amikor első gyermeke született, 45 évesen immár hét csemetével büszkélkedhet.

A várandósság alatt és a szülést követően számos változás éri a női testet, ez alól Jessica sem volt kivétel. A súlya ingadozott, pluszkilók nehezítették meg az életét, ami miatt nem érezte jól magát a bőrében. 2013-ban, a legkisebb gyermeke születése után határozta el, változtat addigi életén és szokásain, nem akart a szülések utáni alakja miatt a depresszió rabjává válni.

Fia nővérének nézték

Jessica számára az i-re a pontot az tette fel, amikor a legkisebb gyermek születése után már nem fért bele a régi nadrágjaiba. Számtalan diétával próbálkozott, de az intuitív étkezés hozott számára sikert. Ennek során a saját teste jelzéseit tartja szem előtt evés közben, erre figyelve dönti el, milyen tápanyagokban gazdag ételt választ, és összpontosít arra, mikor érzi tele magát.

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A snapshot of my 7 birth stories:: 1994- By far the most painful early stages of labor. When I went to the hospital, I was sure I’d be at least 5cm dilated. Nope 👎🏼 only 1 cm. I got an epidural at 7 cm but after the first push of meds into my IV the anesthesiologist forgot to connect the line to the bag & soon I was back to feeling everything😅 I had to wait for him to make his rounds to figure out that that was all that was wrong.😑 The dose became so heavy, I couldn’t push & they had to use forceps. 1996- Early labor was MUCH easier, but after getting an epidural & just getting comfy, I suddenly felt massive pain & the urge to push. The epidural catheter had broken & I was 9cm. They tried placing another one, but I was shaking & moving so much they told me I couldn’t have one, so I delivered with no medication. 😳 One of the most intense things I’ve ever been through. 1999- Fairly easy labor. Got an epidural at 4cm but it only took on one side of my body, which felt worse than no epidural. They re-did it & everything went smoothly from there. 2002- Induction. Epidural at 4cm. No complications until the day after delivery. My blood pressure tanked (my nurse said it was 88/0 and they almost gave me a blood transfusion but instead pumped me full of IV fluids. Eventually, I recovered but it was the weirdest feeling. Everything was hazy & I almost felt like I didn’t exist. They think it was a vasovagal response or the possibility of an amniotic embolism. 2010- Induction. Very light labor pains. Epidural at 4cm. No complications. 2011- Epidural w/ no complications. Since she was early she had to be on bili lights at home for a few days for jaundice. 2013- Not a ton of pain, but I wasn’t progressing at all because he was face up, which makes passage so much harder. His little face was bruised because of it & his heart rate sat in the 50s for awhile. He was taken to the NICU because he wasn’t breathing well. He had a really hard time. They intubated him, he kept losing weight & was very jaundiced. I couldn’t hold him for 4 days. I was so sad. He was there for 2 weeks. So glad he's a healthy boy now! How did your labors go?! 🤰🏻♥️🤱

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Az életmódváltás részeként ügyel a megfelelő testmozgásra, kardiózik és súlyokat emel. Állítja, jobban érzi magát, mint húsz évvel ezelőtt, nem csoda, hogy sokan testvéreknek nézik, amikor a legidősebb fiával vagy a lányával közös fotókat posztol Instagram-oldalán.






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Happy Birthday @codyenslow 🎉🎈 24 Years ago I had this not-so-little guy 😭 He was my first boy, second child and loved being cuddled as a baby. He was a little thumb sucker and would hold a wad of one square of tissue in the opposite hand 😂🥺 He was a little quiet, a great friend and loved watching bull riding as a toddler and playing with toy airplanes. Over the years he’s developed a clever sense of humor. 😂 He’s very loyal and loving and I’m so blessed to be his mother. Cody, I love you so much! I pray all your dreams come true and I’m so proud of the person you are. Hope you have the best day, bud! 💙💙💙 * * * #happybirthday #birthdayboy #24 #motherandson #mamasboy #nowandthen #thenandnow #momlifeisthebestlife #beforeandafter #motherslove #motherhoodjourney #motherhoodmoments #motherhoodinspired #motherhoodlife #postpartumjourney #allgrownupnow #memoriesmade #birthday🎂 #90sbaby #90sbabies #1996 #leapyear #leapyearbaby

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My baby boy @codyenslow is moving to Germany 🇩🇪 in a few months & I’m kinda starting to freak out about it. 😳😭 I’m so happy he has become independent enough to live out his dreams, but I’ve never been separated for an extended period of time from any of my children, so it’s not something I can even comprehend at this point. When your kids are young and you’re tired and exhausted, it can feel like the days are long and the challenges and tasks of mothering wear on you. You may even wish for later days to come when your kids can start doing things for themselves more. Then suddenly, they are all grown up and don’t even need you anymore and you miss the days when they did depend on you. It’s a bittersweet feeling. You love seeing them grow and flourish, but hate watching them leave. Just some random mama thoughts today. 💝 * * * * * #motherson #mothersonlove #allgrownup #allgrownup😢 #momandson #motherhoodthroughinstagram #motherhoodrising #motherhoodjourney #mamasboy💙 #boymom💙 #momlifeisthebestlife #momlifestyle #momof7 #momofmany #proudmama #proudmom #letthembelittle #timefliessofast #utahmom #utahblogger #ootdfashion #momstyle #over40style #over30style #casualstyle

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„Jess, a génjeidet tanulmányozni kellene, olyan hihetetlenül fiatalnak nézel ki”. „Azt hittem, a fiad nővérét látom, de akár a barátnője is lehetnél, olyan fiatalos és csinos vagy” – záporoztak a kommentek és a like-ok a 24 éves fiával, Codyval készült kép alá.






Jessica az életmódváltásának hála jobban nem is érezhetné magát a bőrében. Állítja, sokkal boldogabb, mint húsz évvel ezelőtt.

– 25 éves koromban azt gondoltam, már öreg vagyok, akkor, immár többgyermekes anyaként úgy éreztem, elszalasztottam a lehetőségeket. Egy válás után ott maradtam négy gyerekkel, és álmomban sem gondoltam volna, hogy jön egy jóképű, gyermektelen férfi, aki hajlandó feleségül venni és vállalni a gyerekekkel járó felelősséget. Most, 45 évesen remekül érzem magam a bőrömben, tele vagyok energiával, és azt vallom, hét gyerek mellett sem késő az álmokért, célokért tenni – mondja Jessica, aki ma már másokat bátorít az életmódváltásra.

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At 24 I thought I was too old, too uneducated, too talentless and had missed any opportunity of being anything in life. At 45 I am living my best life. 😎✌🏼 Lol! Okay, well, maybe I could be richer, live on a tropical island with a maid, chef and nanny 😂 but what I’m saying is, there is NOTHING that will stop me from pursuing my dreams and passions! I do feel like having the internet and social media has created a much bigger shift for all of us though. We don’t have to be “approved” or even have a degree to create, share and build. So own your dreams and take the opportunities that lie before you! Swipe for some major inspo from @melrobbins & Paul J Meyer! Happy Thursday 🤍 #tbt

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